GLOBART is NGO for Development created in Spain in 2008 by a group of professional artists and specialists in social work, cooperation and development with the objective to improve the living conditions of the citizens through art in their different disciplines (theatre, music, crafts, photography, etc.).
In GLOBART we believe that everyone is full of potentials, but sometimes we lack the initial impulse which would enable us to develop our skills. We propose sustainable alternatives without generating any type of dependence, economical, material or other.
In the projects that we develop, the protagonists are the beneficiaries, not us.
It consists of :
- Professionals in cooperation and development, and specialists in social work.
We emphasize specially on promoting voluntary work whenever possible.
You are welcome to form part of our team and collaborate with GLOBART by contributing your knowledge and professional skills.
At the moment we are developing activities in Europe and East Africa .
Our objectives
-Promote and collaborate with solidarity actions, national and international cooperation to development and social welfare in general, with special attention to those who are in situations of social exclusion and experience difficulties for social integration.
-Facilitate and mobilize economic and social progress of developing countries, and contribute to the elimination of poverty in the world, in all its manifestations.
- Improve the living conditions of the population in situations of necessity in any part of the world.
- Campaigns denouncing situations of poverty.
- Campaigns and projects to promote Fair Trade
- Campaigns of denouncing the violation of human rights
- Projects to guarantee the fulfilment of children’s rights and human rights
- Development projects, humanitarian and emergency assistance
- Promotion of gender equality
- Research projects
- Promotion of social corporative responsibility
- Promotion of voluntary work
- Promotion of environmental protection
- Projects of sustainable development
Our funding come from:
- Membership fees
- Fair Trade
- Our own funds
- Private funding
- Membership fees
- Fair Trade
- Our own funds
- Private funding
100% of the funds of GLOBART are designated to the execution of our projects.